Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exploration #8: Del.icio.us

I can't believe I'm knocking these things off my to-do list! After having read the articles and listened to the online workshop by Jason Griffey, I feel like I know alot more about del.icio.us than I did before. I think that there are some library applications, and some personal interest or research uses that could be helpful. Griffey's suggestion that one mark and tag every place they go that has an URL is really over-the-top, though. Has not the man ever heard of infomation overload? Or filtering out garbage?
One application that our system might find for del.icio.us, is to use it as a way to suggest possibilities for Recommended Sites. This way, staff and patrons could suggest sites that they have found useful, but the library could still vet them before they were added to Recommended Sites, or to another, more user-controlled link.

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