Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update on 2.0

Setting up my blog was very easy to do; taking the time to use it is another story entirely. I took a hiatus from working on Web 2.0 as some other things had a higher priority, but now I'm back. I set up a Twitter account, and have actually used it. I'm thinking that one would have to have it up all the time or at least access it frequently, otherwise what's the point. It may be one of those things that grows on you with use.

I have also set up a GoodReads account, which I really like. It is slightly easier to use than Library Thing (where I had previously stored what I have read). There are some things on the site that I still want to work out, including the networking piece, but it is coming along.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Twitter does grow on you after awhile; it's fun to keep up with people at other branches! They do have small web apps that will keep it running in your task bar while you work in other programs, and it notifies you when there is a new "tweet." Twhirl is one that comes to mind.

Catherine :-)